Forum OpenACS CMS: Response to Status of comtemplation on CMS module

Posted by Michael Feldstein on
Lars, there are two pieces to the whole folders thing: The functionality itself and the metaphors by which the users understand that functionality.

In terms of the functionality itself, I actually don't have a problem with a tree-based design. I agree heartily that the system needs a goal-based interface, but it should probably also have a task-based interface to compliment that. (Think pull-down menus (task-based) and wizards (goal-based) in the same app.)

But there are different ways to represent a tree to the user. The Windows Explorer-like representation in the CMS is one way. Nested pull-down menus in apps like Microsft Office are another way. Theoretically, you can map the same items equally well to either. But the two resonate with different user expectations. When people use a Windows Explorer-like interface, they expect to be looking for files. Things. They don't expect to be looking for tasks or even menus; those sorts of things are to be found in the pull-downs. IMO, folders/Explorer metaphor doesn't work in the current CMS.

I was actually suggesting a third kind of tree implementation. Many web sites have nested left-side menus for navigation. (Unfortunately, I can't think of any off the top of my head.) At any rate, people are used to seeing these types of menus to navigate a web interface. Functionally, they work exactly the same as the folders in CMS do. But they don't have the same strong mental associations that, IMHO, potentially confuse CMS users. It's a fine point, but every ounce of usability juice counts in a complex app like this one.