Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Storing cookie info or user IDs in the access log

Here's how we do it:

ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nslog"
ns_param   debug           true
ns_param   dev             true
ns_param   rolllog         true
ns_param   rollonsignal    true
ns_param   rollhour        0
ns_param   maxbackup       999
ns_param   file            ${homedir}/log/${servername}.log
ns_param   logcombined     true
ns_param   extendedheaders COOKIE

We are using this build of AOLserver:

AOLserver/3.2+ad10 (aolserver3_2_ad10)
   CVS Tag:         $Name: aolserver3_2 $
   Built:           Dec  5 2000 at 17:14:44
   Tcl version:     8.3
   Thread library:  pthread
   Platform:        linux