Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Could not allocate handles from pool main

Posted by Dirk Gomez on
A) you have run out of handles.
B) you ran ns_db gethandle main twice within the same thread which doesn't work either. From the AOLserver docs:
ns_db gethandle returns the specified number of handles from the specified pool. If poolname is not specified, the Defaultpool from the configuration file is used. If nhandles is not specified, 1 handle is returned. (Note that if you specify nhandles, you must also specify a poolname.) If not enough handles are available to fulfill the request, it waits until they are available. You must request all the handles you will need for a specific pool with one call to ns_db gethandle. You must release all your database handles explicitly (with ns_db releasehandle ) before acquiring more. If you request multiple handles from the database, this function returns a Tcl list of database handles (space delimited). In this case, each handle must be released with a separate call to ns_db releasehandle.