Forum OpenACS Q&A: how many sites are using ACS and OpenACS


I'm looking for some info about how many sites are running ACS and
how many sites are running openACS.
(And ideally which versions too.)

Guestimates, "back of the envelope" calculations etc welcome!

Do you know where I might find out this data?

There must be more than here:


Or something more informative than:
2191 registered users.
6751 downloads of OpenACS 3.2.4.
3052 downloads of OpenACS Apache RPMs
More than 21,000 copies of ACS have been downloaded to date.
Over 5,000 ACS users have been trained.

Cheers,  David.

Posted by Ben Adida on
Well, we don't have a much better way of tracking existing OpenACS sites, given that anyone can download the software and play with it internally, or put up a public web site without letting us know. That is, after all, an inherent property of allowing completely free redistribution. There has been thought of including some code in OpenACS 4.x that would allow for opt-in reporting, so that a running OpenACS site can report its existence and traffic level to
Posted by Dirk Gomez on
I think having a self-explanatory link that makes people want to register is the best. OpenACS has done a good job, unlike ArsDigita where you have to "become a partner" to register your site.

What I want to see is a more regionally divided list of users. Much to my own surprise I recently made another ACS hacker here in Berlin, Germany. And meeting people f2f is still the best.

That said: I will be at this even: and talk about the ACS.