Forum OpenACS Development: Response to ACS 4.x won't scale (I hope I am wrong)

Posted by Jon Griffin on
My co-worker, Matthew Avalos, rewrote the acs_permission.permission_p package.

Here is his email to me: ---

It looks like the permissions data model isn't completely dead. At least the question, "Does party A have permission P on object O?"

I rewrote acs_permission.permission_p and got rid of the unions. That didn't help at all performance wise, but it did allow me to rewrite the selects invidually, and after a while it was clear that only the first select was the hog. I rewrote the first one using oracle exist, and that fixed it. I guess the exist short circuts the huge selects like you would expect. I did the same for the other 4 selects in the union for good measure.

btw, I'm not sure I know what some of those selects are doing, especially the one that puts a 0 in the party column.


I put the file on for public scrutiny.

If anyone else would like to check it out please feel free to do so. I will commit this into OpenACS in a few days to give it a little testing period.