Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to word prcessing in forms

Posted by Don Baccus on
No, we've not looked at it.  In a platform-idependent implementation I  assume that today one would write a Java applet to act as a WYSIWYG interface.  In the future one might use [MSWillOwnThe].NET

I wonder, though, if a smart file-upload facility combined with existing WYSIWYG tools wouldn't be more useful?  All my non-technical web content friends like to use DreamWeaver, for instance.

If we had a real marketing department with a technical support arm I'd  ask for some competitive analysis.  How many Vignette sites use their  WYSIWYG tool versus a well-known standalone tool like DreamWeaver?  How many buy the product based on the availability of the tool regardless of whether they end up using it? (unfortunately, this is important, especially if you sell product rather than give it away).

Questions like that.