I see that mod_nsd has a place in the SDM. Thank you Ben!
Petru, I have a question, and another apparent bug in mod_aolserver1.1.
Let me first say that I'm continuing to post here because as far as I know this is the best place to post mod_aolserver / mod_nsd information at present. If I'm wrong about that, please let me know. Does mod_nsd merit it's own message board to save disinterested people the trouble of hearing about it?
Now that mod_aolserver is called mod_nsd, is there a difference in code yet, or just in name? (Should I be using mod_nsd instead of mod_aolserver?)
I have just discovered an interesting "side-effect" to running mod_aolserver1.1.
Running mod_aolserver breaks CGI (on my machine, anyway)
Here are the details.
I'm testing with a very simple CGI, a shell script that simply prints the Content Headers and echos some text.
The CGI works fine when I add to httpd.conf:
LoadModule aolserver_module libexec/mod_aolserver.so
But as soon as I add:
AddModule mod_aolserver.c
AolServerConf config_file /web/conf/mod_aolserver.tcl
The CGI generates the standard errors:
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error (in the HTML HEADER)
Premature end of script headers: /web/cgi-bin/test-cgi (in the error_log)
I'm running Apache_1.3.19, php4.0.4 (dso), mod_aolserver1.1 (dso) ... everything else is compiled into httpd.
Thanks for any suggestions,