Forum OpenACS Development: Flash with oacs

Posted by Boris Kruvshenko on
Hi all, I want to make a web program which has flash interface and down under the oacs.

Flash has some methods that let it send data to a .tcl script by the POST html method and receive it back the same way.

I have test it in php successfully, I receive data as:

  var_name_01 = $var_name

where $var_name is the name of a var sended by flash (it has to be same name in flash than in the php script) and var_name_01 the php var which stores the data sended.

Then I send info back to the .swf movie as:

  echo "&answer=Your var name is $var_name_01&"

where answer is also a flash movie var which can be use for what you want.

Well, my question is if it is posible to make it with tcl for having communication with oacs. I think that part nº 1 could be:

  set var_name_01 [ad_conn var_name]

is it correct ??

and how could it be the call back ?, is there any function that will let me send back info to the flash movie as return or something ??

Thx all.