Forum OpenACS Q&A: Updated OpenACS RPMs released, now support RH 7.1

A new set of AOLserver/OpenACS 3.2.5 RPMs now exists.

They should work much better on Red Hat 7.1 now (possibly also on RH 7.0, but that is untested). They also automate the use of full text search into bboard, if the postgresql-tcl RPM is also installed. No more need for reading comments in a .sql file, and then manually using createlang and psql to set it up.

Since a few early adopters of my RPMs apparently had difficulty finding the OpenACS documentation, I put the 'Powered By OpenACS' button on the default index page pointing to OpenACS.Org, and also a link to 'OpenACS Documentation' which links to /docs/openacs/ on the freshly installed OpenACS server.

While I was at it, I included a fix for OpenACS Bug #941, which one of my testers ran into almost immediately after getting his server running.

I am currently having some trouble uploading to new-file-storage (works sometimes, other times it dies with a Server Error after many minutes of uploading), but in any case

http://www.xc .org/jonathan/openacs/whichfilesdoineed.html

should be updated and working fine already.

As before, comments and suggestions for improving these RPMs are welcomed. I'd be particularly interested in hearing about the experiences of people installing them on machines running Red Hat 7.0 or 7.1.

STOP PRESS: Just got both of the new binary RPMs into /new-file-storage/, so now that should work too, (and keep some load off my site if these ever get popular!).

Posted by Sam Snow on

I was just following your directions with a fresh install of RH 7.1.

When I tried to rpm -Uvh *rpm, I got an error-- saying that I've got failed dependencies: are all needed by libxml.

I tried several versions of libxml, but got the same error each time. Any suggestions on a fix?


I believe this is caused by using an RPM for libxml2 compiled on RH 6.2.

You have three options:

(a) Grab the source RPM for libxml2 and rebuild it on your own machine, then install the resulting libxml2 RPM. This is probably the best solution.

(b) The older versions of the libraries the dependencies refer to exist in RPMs on CD2 of RH 7.1, I am told. So installing these will solve the issue too.

(c) libxml2 is not actually used by OpenACS 3.2.5 anyway (!), so you could just install the aolserver RPM with the --nodeps switch so that it ignores these unsatisfied dependencies. Not exactly clean, but it should work OK in practice.

Longer term, it sounds like email to xmlsoft asking them to provide a binary libxml2 RPM compiled under RH 7.1 would be good.

Jonathan, I followed your instructions on the page your link refers
too with RH 7.1. I also experienced an error with my first attempt to
run the RPM's. I then downloaded the libxml2-devel-2.3.7-1.i386.rpm
and ran the "rpm -Uvh *rpm" , this time no errors and everything
installed just fine. OpenACS is fully operational on my Toshiba
4010CDS Laptop, with the Laptop Default Install of Redhat 7.1, Thanks
for the RPM's and the info page...