Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: RFI: Look and feel of OpenACS

Posted by Jade Rubick on
I think that a move towards better XHTML and CSS compliance will help with this. But perhaps another suggestion would be an advanced tutorial section that walks through it. It would be some good reference material,  I think.
Posted by Jarkko Laine on
I think Jade's idea about moving into the direction of xhtml and css compliance would be a major leap towards easier skinning. Like said, at the moment most packages rely heavily on tables and hard-coded design attributes which cannot be changed instance by instance. If they relied more on xhtml/css, the appearance could a lot easier be changed by using different css files in different contexts.

I don't know in which state the process of css'ifying the toolkit is, but I could for example take on the task of making lars-blogger and the parts of calendar used in blogger xhtml transitional and css compliant. Not because they would be in the most urgent need of change (at least lars-blogger), but more because I'll need them in short and as current they don't quite cut it for me.

I don't know if these kind of things need to be tipped, tho. Just a thought.