OpenACS Developmental Forum Summary: 9/1 - 9/2/2004
(Note: not every post will be included, especially on high-volume days. Comments on editorial style welcomed. If you really want everything, read the whole forum yourself. My updates will be posted on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.)
- Contacts: Malte asked if there was a plan to link users to organizations and managers and assistants to other users in the contacts application.
- Andrew Piskorski points out that the namespace cleanup problem seems to be a Tcl issue rather than an Aolserver problem, and wonders why it's never been handled by Tcl before.
- Dave Bauer requested feedback on an extention to search functionality in OpenACS, which would allow searches based on title: foo bar. He also has added boolean searching functionality in on HEAD. Andrew asked if packages could have specialized search functionality. Dave replied that they could, but the advanced search page would need to be extended.
- Peter Vessenes is still having issues with tDOM in his -procs.tcl file. According to Dossy, tDOM information is only available in the Tcl interpreter of the thread that initiated it.