Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: .LRN 2.1 a2 tagged

19: Re: .LRN 2.1 a2 tagged (response to 1)
Posted by Andrew Grumet on
To potential script writers, including me when I get back Tuesday (I'm about to leave for a long weekend)...

The issue is that the upgrade script (mentioned above) simply reverses and cr_revisions.title for all files including dotlrn-homework files.

This breaks the homework naming scheme because homework rightly twiddles the to maintain uniqueness.

So we need to add a script that does the right thing for homework files, basically stripping off the user_id encoding, then swapping the name/title, then reencoding the name.  We also have to decide whether the file storage upgrade script should skip homework files, or if the homework script should assume that the file storage script has already been run.

Posted by Cato Kolås on

we are upgrading to dotlrn 2.1.3 and encountered this problem with homework-files also being modified. Anyone written a workaround for file-storage/sql/oracle/upgrade/upgrade-5.1.0a6-5.1.0a7.sql ?