I get my Openacs instance installed and started sucessfully, but
after a few hours the AOLserver kills itself and I receive error
Error: Ns_PgOpenDb(postgres): Could not connect to
localhost::hric: The Data Base System is in recovery mode
Error: dbinit: error(localhost::hric,pqReadData() -- backend
closed the channel unexpectedly.
This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
): 'select a.oid, a.user_id, a.first_names, a.last_name,
a.birthmonth, a.birthday, a.days_in_advance_to_remind,
a.date_last_reminded, a.days_in_advance_to_remind_2,
from address_book a, users_alertable
where a.user_id=users_alertable.user_id
and a.birthmonth is not null
and a.birthday is not null
and (a.days_in_advance_to_remind is not null or
a.days_in_advance_to_remind_2 is not null)'
The master server (I user nsvhr/nsunix for virtual hosting serveral
OpenACS instances) and Postgres are still running.
Any advice?
I use the following command line to start postgres:
bin/postgres -N 100 -B 200 -SD /usr/local/pgsql/data