Forum OpenACS Q&A: Correct Configuration Parameters to use all Server Resources
I am running OpenACS 5/Oracle 10g/R.H. 3/AolServer 4.0.7 (2 BIG servers, 1 for database and 1 for web server)
Currently running a heavy (full of large queries) application; After 250 Member is logged in and using the application, the server dies (Page cannot be displayed).
I run a new instance of the server, on another port on the same web server, and it runs very quick although the other original server is still out of serving.
My simple conclusion (Correct me if I am wrong) that there is still available resources on the web server that the original instance is not able to use while a new instance is using. (The Configuration Parameters are accused??)
I tried raising the database pools, raising maxconnections and threads, stacksize and did no effect.
Here is a snapshot of the top command:
11:43:05 up 1 day, 2:04, 2 users, load average: 3.25, 3.45, 3.35
52 processes: 51 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: cpu user nice system irq softirq iowait idle
total 56.9% 0.0% 1.4% 0.1% 2.0% 0.5% 39.0%
Mem: 3950356k av, 3623712k used, 326644k free, 0k shrd, 207188k buff
2788172k active, 20744k inactive
Swap: 4080456k av, 0k used, 4080456k free 2349720k cached
And the init file is:
set debug false
ns_section ns/parameters
ns_param Group web
ns_param ServerLog /web/aol/log/main-error.log
ns_param Home /web/aol
ns_param logroll true
ns_param maxbackup 2000
ns_param mailhost
ns_param debug $debug
ns_param keepalivetimeout 30
ns_param maxkeepalive 100
ns_section ns/threads
ns_param StackSize [expr 256*1024]
ns_param SystemScope on
ns_param mutexmeter true
ns_section ns/mimetypes
ns_param Default text/plain
ns_param NoExtension text/plain
ns_param .pcd image/x-photo-cd
ns_param .prc application/x-pilot
ns_param .xls application/
ns_section ns/servers
ns_param ritaj "Ritaj"
ns_section ns/db/drivers
ns_param nsoracle
ns_section ns/db/driver/nsoracle
ns_param maxStringLogLength -1
ns_param CharExpansion 2
ns_section ns/db/pools
ns_param p1 p1
ns_param p2 p2
ns_param p3 p3
ns_section ns/db/pool/p1
ns_param MaxIdle 1000000000
ns_param MaxOpn 1000000000
ns_param Driver nsoracle
ns_param Connections 10
ns_param DataSource hemis
ns_param User ****
ns_param Password ****
ns_param Verbose $debug
ns_param logsqlerrors true
ns_param ExtendedTableInfo true
ns_section ns/db/pool/p2
ns_param MaxIdle 1000000000
ns_param MaxOpen 1000000000
ns_param Driver nsoracle
ns_param Connections 10
ns_param DataSource hemis
ns_param User ****
ns_param Password ****
ns_param Verbose $debug
ns_param logsqlerrors true
ns_param ExtendedTableInfo true
ns_section ns/db/pool/p3
ns_param MaxIdle 1000000000
ns_param MaxOpen 1000000000
ns_param Driver nsoracle
ns_param Connections 10
ns_param DataSource hemis
ns_param User ****
ns_param Password ****
ns_param Verbose $debug
ns_param logsqlerrors true
ns_param ExtendedTableInfo true
ns_section ns/server/ritaj
ns_param PageRoot /web/ritaj/www
ns_param DirectoryFile index.tcl,index.html,index.htm
ns_param maxconnections 10
ns_param maxdropped 0
ns_param maxthreads 10
ns_param minthreads 0
ns_param threadtimeout 3600
ns_param globalstats false
ns_param urlstats false
ns_param maxurlstats 1000
ns_param flushcontent true
ns_section ns/server/ritaj/db
ns_param Pools *
ns_param DefaultPool p1
ns_section ns/server/ritaj/tcl
ns_param Library /web/ritaj/tcl
ns_param autoclose on
ns_param debug false
ns_section ns/server/ritaj/adp
ns_param Map /*.adp
ns_param DefaultParser fancy
ns_param enabledebug false
ns_param threadcache false
ns_section ns/server/ritaj/adp/parsers
ns_param fancy ".adp"
ns_section ns/server/ritaj/modules
ns_param nsdb
ns_param nsperm
ns_param nslog
ns_param nssha1
ns_param nscache
ns_param nssock
ns_section ns/server/ritaj/module/nslog
ns_param EnableHostnameLookup false
ns_param File /web/aol/log/ritaj.log
ns_param logcombined true
ns_param maxbackup 1000
ns_param rollday *
ns_param rollfmt %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M
ns_param rollhour 0
ns_param rollonsignal true
ns_param rolllog true
ns_section ns/server/ritaj/module/nsperm
ns_param model Large
ns_param enablehostnamelookup false
ns_section ns/server/ritaj/module/nssock
ns_param port 80
ns_param hostname
ns_param address
Otherwise it looks like your server is running out of threads to handle requests. Clustering would help very quickly - isn't the clustering package in use in a few of the big .LRN sites?
(And fixing those long-running queries :)