Ernie, another problem I have is that I always get the following error. Dave told me that Malte already merged your extensions of file-storage to HEAD. So I updated my the file-storage package and proc fs::item_editable_p exists.
Any idea?
referred by ""
invalid command name "fs::item_editable_p"
while executing
"fs::item_editable_p -item_id $content(item_id)"
invoked from within
"if { [info exists content(item_id)] } {
set write_p [fs::item_editable_p -item_id $content(item_id)]
} else {
# No content to edit
set wri..."
("uplevel" body line 39)
invoked from within
"uplevel {
# Put the current revision's attributes in a onerow datasource named "content".