Forum .LRN Q&A: moving out lobs to file system

Posted by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini on
Galileo has just moved files of file-storage in the DB (lobs) to the file system (about 3GB of files), a faster render of files has been detected, plus avoiding the use of the DB for getting the files which lets the DB available for whatever else its needed (pg 7.4.3).
We'll do the same for the evaluation package (move lobs to file system) since now that package allows storage on the file system.
Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
Hi Rocael,

thank you very much for the script. I added this line to set all file storages to store to file system:
db_dml update_storeFilesInDatabaseP {update apm_parameter_values set attr_value = 0 where parameter_id in (select p.parameter_id from apm_parameters p where parameter_name ='StoreFilesInDatabaseP' and package_key = 'file-storage')}
