Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Why use OpenACS
What is the OpenACS?
The OpenACS is a web application platform designed for high traffic community websites. The OpenACS is built using of open source technologies such as AOLserver and GNU/Linux or the BSD unices and uses either of two databases, Oracle or PostgreSQL. A community of software developers and users maintains the system through bug fixes, security patches, development enhancements and other tasks at the community home site This community consists of members that range from independent volunteers to large institutional agencies.
The OpenACS is a web application toolkit in a very crowded field of systems that purport to offer similar features. However, the following are reasons the OpenACS is a unique choice for high performance web applications.
Community in a Box
The OpenACS is a community system that is ready out-of-the-box for collaborative web sites. It provides functionality for discussions, content management, personalization and other mechanisms for users to communicate.In addition, the utilities available to extend this core functionality are easy to learn and to use.
Proven Architecture
The components of the OpenACS have proven themselves in the mostdemanding of applications. AOLserver is the backbone for AOL's most heavily trafficked sites. Both databases, Oracle and PostgreSQL, have likewise responded with excellent performance in demanding environments. And the OpenACS is in deployment at sites that have upwards of 40K users and is doing swimmingly.
Responsive Community
The OpenACS community is full of very professional and committed open sourcedevelopers. The forums on are well trafficked with discussions concerning OpenACS enhancements, solutions to bugs and assistance tonewbies, among other things. Help is offered and questions encouraged bygurus, wizards and the odd mortal programmer
Commercial Support
There are over a dozen companies dedicated to providing clients with OpenACS development and hosting. In addition to these companies, there are many independent consultants that are available for hire. This collection of commercial providers works together to maintain the OpenACS in addition to competing for clients. In fact, often times the vendors work together for the same client. Most importantly, no client is ever left without support, even if his or her original provider goes out of business.
Excellent Documentation
Unique among open source projects, the OpenACS is very well documented.Community members are encouraged to document and distribute their new packages as well as address any lack of information in existing documentation.
Commitment of Heavy Hitters
Perhaps the most compelling reference for the OpenACS is the commitment ofsome very large and prestigious companies, institutions and nongovernmental organizations. These include the MIT Sloan School of Management which has initiated and led the development of .LRN, an open sourcecourseware system. Recently, the University of Heidelberg, the most prestigiousGerman university, rolled .LRN out for their 40K users. In addition, the OpenACS was used to build the CMS for, a site that handles millions of hits per day.