I've upgraded to OpenACS 3.2.5 which I thought would be able to
perform a WimpyPoint bulk upload but I'm getting this error:
Error: expected integer but got "2.000000"
expected integer but got "2.000000"
while executing
"incr sort_key"
("foreach" body line 2)
invoked from within
"foreach image $image_files {
incr sort_key
set image_bytes [file size $image]
# slide title = filename (without extension)
set exten..."
(file "/web/servername/www/wp/bulk-image-upload-2.tcl" line 95)
invoked from within
"source $script"
(procedure "ns_sourceproc" line 6)
invoked from within
"ns_sourceproc cns2320 {}"
Did I forget to do something during the upgrade or is this a bug?