Forum OpenACS Development: clob, blob, rownum

Posted by Gilbert Wong on

I am starting to port the simple-survey module and I encountered a blob, some clobs and a rownum so I have some questions:

  1. Are we using text for clob? The openacs guidelines has a comment that says it might be moved to the content repository.
  2. Are there examples on how to use the content repository for blobs?
  3. Is there a replacement for Oracle's rownum?
  4. In the .adp file, is the datasource.rownum's rownum the same as Oracle's rownum? If so, if the code references rownum, is there a workaround for postgresql?


Posted by Dan Wickstrom on
  1. In general, yes we're using text for clob.
  2. I wrote a short document on how to use the content repository. Check in new-file-storage.
  3. Modify the tcl script to incr a rowcount variable. Postgresql doesn't have a rowcount equivalent. Though in many cases, the use of rowcount can be ported by using a limit statement.
  4. Yes. See previous answer.
Posted by Gilbert Wong on
Thanks Dan.