Forum OpenACS Development: Porting dynamic queries

Posted by Vinod Kurup on
I've spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to port dynamic queries and I haven't seen a discussion about it, so I thought I'd post my approach to make sure I'm doing it right.

Specifically, the download module uses ad_dimensional to display multiple views of the same data. For example, it sets up a set of links ('sliders') to allow you to view software by it's upload date. (see the ACS-Repository for an example)

In order to do this, it builds SQL queries dynamically, which creates problems when porting because you don't know what the full query is going to look like at runtime.

The answer is to put partial queries in the .xql file and then use the db_map command in the .tcl file to extract the proper sql fragment depending on the rdbms that you're using.

Here's an example from the download module:

Old index.tcl:

set dimensional [list {updated "Updated" all { {1d "last 24hrs" {where "dar.publish_date + 1 > SYSDATE"}} {1w "last week" {where "dar.publish_date + 7 > SYSDATE"}} {1m "last month" {where "dar.publish_date + 30 > SYSDATE"}} {all "all" {}} }} ] set sql_query " select ... from ... where ... and [ad_dimensional_sql $dimensional where]"
New index.tcl
set dimensional [list {updated "Updated" all { {1d "last 24hrs" {where "dar.publish_date + 1> [db_map date_clause]"}} {1w "last week" {where "dar.publish_date + 7> [db_map date_clause]"}} {1m "last month" {where "dar.publish_date + 30> [db_map date_clause]"}} {all "all" {}} }} ]
< fullquery name="download_index_query"> < querytext> select ... from ... where ... and [ad_dimensional_sql $dimensional where] < /querytext> < /fullquery>
< partialquery name="date_clause"> < querytext> current_timestamp < /querytext> < /partialquery>
< partialquery name="date_clause"> < querytext> sysdate < /querytext> < /partialquery>
So, I replaced the oracle specific code in the .tcl file with calls to db_map. I then inserted partialquery's into the .xql file with the code appropriate to the rdbms being used (sysdate for oracle, current_timestamp for postgres).

I learned this from studying Dan's acs-workflow efforts as an example, so I hope that I got it right.

Posted by Don Baccus on
Dan put up a page in the good 'ole wimpy-point porting presentation a few days ago.

Check with his page and see if he missed anything, and be certain that  he and/or I will be willing to incorporate improvements.

Ben and I are crunched on client-oriented work at the moment and can't  put together the project home page we'd intended to finish by now (we've also been putting time into the porting effort, of course).

For now ... remember to check the various documents in new-file-storage and the wimpy point presentation frequently.  Particularly if you run across something confusing.

All the answers aren't there, just some of them, and they change rapidly.  I suggested the "partialquery" approach about a week ago but  got swamped by client work, so several days ago asked Dan if he'd implement it, which he did by Friday, followed shortly thereafter with  documentation.

Sparse documentation ..

My only critique of your effort (maybe copied from Dan's, I've not checked) is that our goal is to get rid of queries in the .tcl files entirely.  So you could stuff the entire date comparison in the queryfile and pass a simple blank into the list element.  Eventually we'll make those disappear as well, I hope.

Posted by Vinod Kurup on
<i>Dan put up a page in the good 'ole wimpy-point porting presentation
a few days ago.
Excellent! That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Dan
<i>My only critique of your effort (maybe copied from Dan's, I've not
checked) is that our goal is to get rid of queries in the .tcl files
entirely. </i>
Can't blame Dan for that - that was entirely my doing. 😊