Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to orphaned trigger?

Posted by Jonathan Ellis on
I didn't manually create any triggers on this table.  I looked at the dump file and this is the only reference to user_comments:

CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER "<unnamed>" AFTER UPDATE ON "users"  NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "RI_FKey_noaction_upd" ('<unnamed>', 'user_comments', 'users', 'UNSPECIFIED', 'user_id', 'user_id');

but I am not out of the woods here because it won't let me drop it:

bf2-new=# drop trigger RI_ConstraintTrigger_44349 on users;
ERROR:  DropTrigger: there is no trigger ri_constrainttrigger_44349 on relation users

would manually removing it from pg_trigger cause Bad Things to happen?