I've added all of the keys in the zip file you sent me to the translation server. Two of the keys failed:
lang::message::register - refusing to register message for non-en_US locale eu_ES. The message key photo-album.lt_Displayed_on_the_thum bust be registered in\
en_US first
lang::message::register - refusing to register message for non-en_US locale eu_ES. The message key photo-album.lt_Displayed_when_viewin bust be registered in\
en_US first
because they do not match existing keys in English. The key names may have been corrupted or you may have added new keys. Also, the total number of keys created is 832; is this the total on your server?
The catalogs were re-exported and these files are all available in on oacs-5-1 now. They will be included in OpenACS 5.1.2; I'm not sure which version of .LRN will catch them.