Hello Henry,
After some really deep digging, I found out yesterday what you just said. The spam is trying to guess what kind of email every user might want to receive by parsing the email address.
I changed the code so that it doesn't check in the user preferences table, but checks which database column (body_plain, body_html, body_aol) is NOT empty and then sends the appropriate format to every user...
I just commented out the following lines:
212 if { [empty_string_p $email_type] } {
213 set email_type "text/plain"
214 } elseif { [string compare $email_type "text/html"] == 0 && [empty_string_p $body_html] } {
215 set email_type "text/plain"
216 } elseif { [string compare $email_type "text/aol-html"] == 0 && [empty_string_p $body_aol] } {
217 set email_type "text/plain"
218 }
and replaced them with...
I will post this replacement, when I get off work 😊 and parallely post it as a patch, although it is not really a patch.
As I don't really like plain text email spams and love nicely layouted html spams instead this little change might be valueable for others that want to spam their users with little pictures etc.
If anybody has questions about nicely layouted email spams, don't hesitate to ask them on this thread...