Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Which OS for new

Posted by Jade Rubick on
The biggest problem with Sarge is that security updates are not supported for it.
Posted by Joel Aufrecht on
See OCT OCT decision for Talli to ask RedHat to contribute RHEL license.
Posted by russ m on
The biggest problem with Sarge is that security updates are not supported for it.
I seem to recall seeing recently (on debian-devel perhaps? I can't find a reference) that they're already putting together the infrastructure for security to support sarge before it gets shifted from testing to stable...
Posted by russ m on
ah... here it is...
The bad news is that we still do not have an ETA for the testing-security autobuilders to be functional. This continues to be the major blocker for proceeding with the freeze; we would /like/ to have security support in place for sarge before encouraging widespread upgrade woody->sarge upgrade testing, but we /need/ to have it in place before releasing, so it would be unwise to try to freeze the rest of the archive without any confirmed schedule for the last stages of the release.
hmmm... and that message is over a month old... perhaps not so recent after all...