Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Create and drop scripts and acs_privileges

Uhm. No. I think you really do need to chug through all entries. 'on delete cascade' would only delete the records for which the record with primary-key that is referenced gets deleted. I could drop the general_comments table, and leave all the acs_messaging & acs_object records intact. I would consider those dangling objects. It might be wise to create 'on delete' triggers for all tables... We are not using the object-oriented features of the DB, so it doesn't know about the relations.

Anyway, this is whats in general-comments-drop.sql (for postgres):

create function inline_0 ()
returns integer as '
    comment_rec RECORD; 

    FOR comment_rec IN select comment_id from general_comments LOOP

        -- There is a bug in content_item.delete that results in
        -- referential integrity violations when deleting a content
        -- item that has an image attachment. This is a temporary fix
        -- until ACS 4.1 is released.
        delete from images
        where image_id in (select latest_revision
                            from cr_items
                            where parent_id = comment_rec.comment_id);

        perform acs_message__delete(comment_rec.comment_id);


    return 0;
end;' language 'plpgsql';

select inline_0 ();
Does anybody (Dan?) know whether or not I still need to do the explicit deletion of images?