Right now the manual interface for watchdog is broken on all of my acs5 servers because AOLserver claims that it can't find the file when it tries to exec the script, but
info exists $command
returns 1.
here is the snippet from the error log:
Notice: command: /export/staging/mdb/packages/monitoring/bin/aolserver-errors.pl
[29/Oct/2004:14:37:26][28860.3056282544][-conn:staging-mdb::1] Error: Watchdog(wd_errors): couldn't execute "/export/staging/mdb/packages/monitoring/bin/aolserver-errors.pl": no such file or directory
while executing
"exec $command $options [ns_info log]"
and here is the relevant source code snippet:
set command [ad_parameter -package_id [monitoring_pkg_id] WatchDogParser monitoring $default_command]
ns_log notice command: $command
if { ![file exists $command] } {
ns_log Error "Watchdog($proc_name): Can't find WatchDogParser: $command doesn't exist"
} else {
# This has been changed from the previous version's concat
# because it did not work. Some quick testing
# did not reveal an elegant solution, so we're going back
# to the old less-elegant-but-functional solution
if { [catch { set result [exec $command $options [ns_info log]] } err_msg] } {
global errorInfo
ns_log Error "Watchdog($proc_name): $errorInfo"
return ""
} else {
return $result
notice that it only attempts to exec the command after it finds the script.
I am currently stumped and would love a suggestion.
oh, here are the permissions on the file in question:
[carl 14:49:28 /export/staging/mdb/packages/monitoring/bin]$ ls -las
total 20
4 drwxrwxr-x 3 carl users 4096 Oct 27 12:49 .
4 drwxrwxr-x 7 carl users 4096 Oct 27 12:49 ..
8 -rwxrwxrwx 1 carl users 6009 Apr 1 2003 aolserver-errors.pl
4 drwxrwxrwx 2 carl users 4096 Oct 27 12:49 CVS
[carl 14:49:29 /export/staging/mdb/packages/monitoring/bin]$
Thank You,
Carl C-M