Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Notification intervals widget i18n

Posted by Matthew Geddert on
you can't run tcl code within a select statement, but you can pull it out of the database and have the adp parser automatically translate it. You could do one of two things:

Either set up a select query like this:

<fullquery name="notification::get_intervals.select_intervals">
            select '#notifications.' || name || '#' as name,
            from notification_intervals,
            where notification_intervals.interval_id = notification_types_intervals.interval_id
            and type_id = :type_id
            order by n_seconds
Note that some types of display procs do not automatically process these snippets - i've encountered this a few times, so if they don't it would need to be the same thing without the hash (#) sign and then run [_] as a separate process in tcl.

Or, even better, if you don't have the problems mentioned above would be to upgrade notifications and store the values as in the database table, that way they show up everywhere as translated messages. This is how thing such as dotlrn relationship types are stored in the db.