Wow ... I am really surprised with the lightning fast answers! Cool!
I really would like to contribute. We will see how much we can contribute now since we are moving full steam ahead in development of the website itself.
Since the functionality that we need is quite ackward (I am not a native english speaker so please forgive all my spelling mistakes 😊 we will not use APM ... at least that's what we see at this point. I would like to make them standard apps but I don't know if we will be able to do it that way... I will let the community know.
The initial idea was that we wanted a website with multilingual support and the ability to index documents in a wide variety of formats and it has to be rock-solid. So we though of Oracle to be the repository. But since we are Greenpeace, a non-profit, and we are commited to the OpenSource movement (we run a quite extensive Linux network internally) we keep in mind the possible migration to PostgreSQL in the future (mid to long-term).
So this is the current status ... I will try to download and install the OpenACS 4.x and get back in the BBOARD.
Thanks again!