Ok, I know this subject has been discussed to death, but if there's a solution to this out there I couldn't find it in Google or in the code. So here goes:
I've got a form element called birthday, which is a date (surprise! :). My on_submit block redirects to another page, which of course uses ad_page_contract. The date is coming through as birthday.month, birthday.day and birthday.year, so that's how I have to list them in ad_page_contract. Then to refer to these values I have to use ${birthday.day}, etc, which does not work in the ADP, so I'm having to assign them to "normal" variables in order to use them. Yuck.
I'm guessing I should be "assembling" the date somehow in the on_submit block before I pass it on, so that it's recognizeable to ad_page_contract as a date, but how does one do that?
Thanks in advance....