Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS/dotLRN social in Sydney - Nov 19th


We will have a OpenACS/dotLRN social on the 19th Nov.
Venue: WEG meeting room, level 1 Link Engineering Bldg, University o Sydney.
If you are coming, please send an email to Rafael or call +61 2 9351 8171.
If you are presenting (or would like to be added to the list of presentations) please bring laptop or send slides to Rafael

2 pm start
2-4pm Introductions and technical presentations from each technical project we are working on.

- Nick: OpenACS and web services
- Rusell: Image banks
- Mark: workflows(?)
- Bruno: Experiences with scalability in GP (?)
- Rafa: OAK CASE, a modelling - code generation tool for OpenACS
- Ernie: LORS - Learning Object repository for .LRN
- Surath: dotTeach a Teaching management system
- Aiman: Integration of dotLRN with Macromedia Collab. server

4-6pm How can openacs gain force in the Australian market?
- Joint funding opportunities (i.e. ARC, Consortium)
- Hosting support
- Consulting for large projects
- Marketing
- Research

6pm dinner. We will go to some Glebe/Newtown  restaurant.



Posted by Rafael Calvo on
We will stream the afternoon seminars using Aiman's integration to Macromedia's communication server. If you are interested to join in on Friday 19th, 2pm Sydney time, please email aimant at ee dot usyd dot



Posted by russ m on
It's a week late, I know, but I'd like to thank Rafael for organising the Sydney meetup and also everyone who came along and presented.

We covered some interesting ground in the presentations, and it was also a bonus to be able to put faces to some of the names I've seen around here.

Here's hoping we can build a useful community of OACS developers here in Australia!

Posted by Alfred Werner on
Sounds like you've got a lot going on - makes me wish I was in Sydney!!
Posted by russ m on
Alfred - where are you? I made the trip up from Melbourne, but if there's anyone else in this neck of the woods it'd be good to hook up. I noticed someone else mentioning they're in Melbourne a while back, but can't recall what thread it was in...
Posted by Lachlan Myers on
Russell - I'm in Melbourne.
Might have been me who posted.
Happy to get together sometime. is easiest way to contact me.

I'm more a inexperienced user/forum lurker type, tho'.
