We will have a OpenACS/dotLRN social on the 19th Nov.
Venue: WEG meeting room, level 1 Link Engineering Bldg, University o Sydney.
If you are coming, please send an email to Rafael or call +61 2 9351 8171.
If you are presenting (or would like to be added to the list of presentations) please bring laptop or send slides to Rafael
2 pm start
2-4pm Introductions and technical presentations from each technical project we are working on.
- Nick: OpenACS and web services
- Rusell: Image banks
- Mark: workflows(?)
- Bruno: Experiences with scalability in GP (?)
- Rafa: OAK CASE, a modelling - code generation tool for OpenACS
- Ernie: LORS - Learning Object repository for .LRN
- Surath: dotTeach a Teaching management system
- Aiman: Integration of dotLRN with Macromedia Collab. server
4-6pm How can openacs gain force in the Australian market?
- Joint funding opportunities (i.e. ARC, Consortium)
- Hosting support
- Consulting for large projects
- Marketing
- Research
6pm dinner. We will go to some Glebe/Newtown restaurant.