We are curently using oacs 5-1.
The bulk mail code do not works well. If I choose
send mail only to students (or teachers) the mail
is sent to all members. I am looking at the code
and appears the code is not finished. I am now trying
the spam* code from HEAD and the code appears
more robust. But it do not works too.
I am stuck with spam.tcl and the last step before send
bulk mail. I get the next error:
can't read "segment_id": no such variable
while executing
"subst -nobackslashes {
select '$from' as from_addr,
'$sender_first_names' as sender_first_names,
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
In spam-postgresql.xql the sql needs a "segment_id"
variable I do not find anywhere:
where party_approved_member_map.party_id = $segment_id
and party_approved_member_map.member_id <> $segment_id
Any help, please?
I will like this funcionality for my production
Best regards,