This is a function that I just wrote with plsql but it doesn't really
work. (I am rather new to pl sql) Any recommendations how to fix it?
create function trig_categories_comments_update() returns opaque
as '
v_n_comments integer;
if NEW.on_which_table = ''categories'' then
select count(*) into v_n_comments from general_comments
where on_what_id= NEW.on_what_id
and on_which_table = ''categories'';
update categories
set n_comments= v_n_comments,
where category_id= NEW.on_what_id;
end if;
return NEW;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger categories_rating_update
after insert on general_comments
for each row
execute procedure trig_categories_comments_update();
I connected the general_comments module with the categories module.
Now I want to update categories (where I added a "n_comments integer")
with the amount of comments that are written "on_which_table =
categories" and "on_what_id = category_id" as soon as somebody adds a
The error that is being presented is --- parse error at or near