Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to SSL, Login and Cookies

Posted by Gilbert Wong on

Okay. I got the cookies to work. Here's the code that I used in tcl/ad-security.tcl:

ad_proc ad_user_login {
    { -forever f }
    db user_id
} { Logs the user in, forever (via the user_login cookie) if -forever is true. }
    global ad_sec_user_id
    set ad_sec_user_id $user_id

    set user_id_for_update [ad_decode $user_id 0 "null" $user_id]

    ns_db dml $db "
        update sec_sessions
        set user_id = $user_id_for_update
        where session_id = [ad_get_session_id]
    util_memoize_flush "sec_get_session_info [ad_get_session_id]"

    if { $user_id == 0 } {
        ad_set_cookie -replace t -max_age 0 ad_session_id ""
        ad_set_cookie -replace t -max_age 0 ad_secure_token ""
        ad_set_cookie -replace t -max_age 0 ad_user_login ""
        ad_set_cookie -replace t -max_age 0 ad_user_login_secure ""

    if { $forever == "t" && $user_id != 0 } {
        set password [database_to_tcl_string $db "select password from users where user_id = $user_id"]
        if { [ad_secure_conn_p] } {
            ad_set_cookie -expires never -secure f 
                "ad_user_login" "$user_id,[sec_hexify $password]"
            ad_set_cookie -expires never -secure t 
                "ad_user_login_secure" "$user_id,[sec_hexify $password]"
        } else {
            ad_set_cookie -expires never -secure f 
                "ad_user_login" "$user_id,[sec_hexify $password]"
        #if { [ad_secure_conn_p] } {
        #    set secure "t"
        #} else {
        #    set secure "f"
        #set password [database_to_tcl_string $db "select password from users wh
ere user_id = $user_id"]
        #ad_set_cookie -expires never -secure $secure 
        #       "ad_user_login" "$user_id,[sec_hexify $password]"

Then you need to change the www/register/logout.tcl line to:

ns_returnredirect "/cookie-chain.tcl?cookie_name=[ns_urlencode ad_user_login]&cookie_value=expired&expire_state=e&final_page=[ns_urlencode /]"

My only concern is that the password is "hexafied" into the cookie. In the ACS 4.x, [ns_time] is used instead of a hexified password.