Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: XOWiki Plain Page Editor

Posted by Steve Manning on
OK thats great thanks. I'll check it on our staging server first.

BTW the live site is here with three xowiki instances running :)

Posted by Steve Manning on
One caveat on this change. I had to add

# Default Xinha Instance
set rich_text_spec {richtext(richtext),nospell,optional
{label Content}
{html {style {width: 100%}}}
{javascript {xinha_config.script_dir = 'wiki'}}

set widget_specs [list *,text $rich_text_spec]

to the root object to get the Xinha to work for the non-plain pages.

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Oops, you are right. This is fixed as well in the oacs-5-3 branch. The richtext editor handling is quite different in the head branch, so it is no simple backport.

anyhow, ... a fancy site with fancy dressings!

-gustaf neumann