Hey, this will be really useful, actually I had a suggestion to add reminders to the project-manager pkg.
I think this do not needs to be tied to acs-events, so instead of event_id you might use object_id.
Then you have a sweeper that scans your remiders, as notifications has, and send them. You probably will need to know when the actual object will take place, and from there, when you do you want to have the reminder (one week before, each day for a week before it happens, etc), and then schedule your reminders, and relate them to the original reminder request.
This perhaps can be tied to notifications, but seems that we might create another monster ... :O
Everything depends on how flexible / sophisticated you want your system, I suggest as simple as possible.
<blockquote>Doing reminders on recurring events and tracking changes in event times seem to be the most complicated parts.
I dont think this part will be hard at all ..., since seems just calling the same proc several times with different params, and of course, whenever happens a change in the object that has a reminder associated, must be able to change or keep the previous reminder request.