Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: AOLserver 4 not yet ready for prime time if you need SSL


just a short report regarding our experience with AOLServer 4.0.8 and v3_0beta23:

On 21th October we moved AOLServer 4.0.8 from our "Sun" computer, which hosted Webserver and Oracle at that moment, to a linux box. The result was that most pages were at least twice faster than before (see for a few more details)

Regarding stability of SSL:
We also noticed that AOLServer 4.0.8 seems to need much more memory per thread and that there may be still some leakage issues. At least, when having maxthreads==minthreads, we saw a monotone increase of memory usage, sometimes being very close to or reaching swapping. Even with a very low number of connection threads it was a question of time.
So we configured AOLServer to kill its threads after about an hour by setting maxthreads=25, minthreads=20 and threadtimeout=3600. This seems to work stable (knocking on wood 😊 ).

I just saw that Dossy tagged nsopenssl "v3_0beta26", so maybe, we will try this one.