Forum OpenACS Development: Make a notification for only one person

Hello everybody, I'm new in the world of OpenACS and I'm trying to use the notifications package. I have read the documentation and the thread but I can't do what I want. I have done a notification type like in the example and I have made that two users have a request of that notification type, but now I want to send the notification only to one of them, althoug both have requests.
I have made the notifications doing like in the example:

set notification [notification::new \
                        -type_id [notification::type::get_type_id \
                        -short_name job_added_notif] \
                        -object_id $user_id \
                        -notif_subject "Solo para snobby" \
                        -notif_text "a ver que pasa" \


unsubscribe one of them?
Posted by Rubén Gómez on
No, all the users must have the request if they want to have notifications.

Maybe I can create a new table, copy all the notification_request to that new table, delete all the notification_requests, and copy from the new table to notification_request the user I want to have the notification, create the notification, and then, copy from the new table to the notification_request all the requests.

Maybe it'll work, but there will be too many movement in the DB.

If anyone has another idea...