Forum OpenACS Development: Re: OpenACS Attribute Management - Requirements/Requests

Thanks Dave,

Yes I agree, confusion reigns supreme!

"A notation and API for defining attributes and records where a record will be an OpenACS CR ‘record’ object that has child objects that are attributes (in this way AMS can support user defined complex compound data types analogous to the current OpenACS standard for ‘typed’ data in the CR)".

I meant attributes in the RDBMS sense NOT the OpenACS object model sense. It would probably be much clearer if I said the following:

An 'ams_record' will be a content type (a special one rather like a CR folder) which will have associated with it (as children) one or more of the CR content type 'ams_attribute'(s), which themselves will have a single attribute - a value.

I hope that removes some on the linguistic entanglements. :o|