Forum OpenACS Q&A: Tcl man pages

Posted by Vele Samak on
Ok, this may be out of line here, but, I have hard time finding this.
Granted, I haven't touched heavy duty ACS and tcl in the past 3-4
months, but I need to get back in the game and the Tcl man pages seem
to be unreachable on or or whatever.
Does anyone know where we can find reliable Tcl man pages? Thanks,
2: Response to Tcl man pages (response to 1)
Posted by Vele Samak on
Ok, silly me, I found them:

Hopefully, aolserver's web site doesn't get rid of them.

3: Response to Tcl man pages (response to 1)
Posted by Dave Bauer on
4: Response to Tcl man pages (response to 1)
Posted by Michael A. Cleverly on
Scriptics became Ajuba, and Ajuba was purchased by Interwoven (for Ajuba's xml expertise, principally). The new "home" for Tcl is at ActiveState (

If you want to bookmark, it's a permanent url that will always redirect to the "current" Tcl home.