Our Real Audio host has given us notice that they are quitting...
I could serve up the Real Audio files on our AOLServer
OR host them with pair.com or another provider.
I need to understand the Math. The AOLserver HOST
doesn't charge for bandwidth. He limits our connection
to a fixed 128K and $25 for each extra 64K ordered.
The Real Audio files play and show that they were Encoded
at 16K. Yet, one of our 30 Minute audios is 3,774,000 bytes
which is 125,800 bytes per minute or 2,096 bytes per second.
This is 2K is is not? So this means that I could in theory
at max (nothing else happening) run 64 streams at
2K each for a total of 128K.
The other alternative is to use Pair which allows up to
400 MB per day Bandwidth for $30/month. This would allow serving
53 Hours of Audio a day (7.54 Megs / hour)
of Real Audio with ??? any number of streams?
This seems like comparing Apples and Oranges....
I'd appreciate some insights here. THank you.
I assume that AOLserver is configured to serve up .ra files
without trouble.
Thank you