Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to configing new-ticket with something like domain-edit.tcl

> So now I am trying to figure out how the system sends emails for changes to existing issues. i.e. adding a comment, or updating other info. Because it doesn't seem to work for me right now. Again, probably a config issue. I checked /notifications and everyone is set up for "instant" notification. I know that email notification is automated ( and "asynchronous" in Ben's words) somehow. But how ...
In my OpenACS 3.2.5 New-Ticket installation, notifications were not working by default. The problem was that users defaulted to "instant" notification and there was no mechanism in place to make instant notification occur. (There are, on the other hand, commands in tcl/notification-defs.tcl to make hourly, daily, or weekly notifications occur.) You can fix this by adding a line such as the following to notification-defs.tcl (e.g. just after the last ns_schedule_daily line):
     ad_schedule_proc 500 user_send_notifications instant
The "500" means wait 500 seconds before checking and sending any outstanding "instant" notifications -- set whatever interval you prefer. Restart aolserver to pick up the change.