I am working with the rpm install of openacs3.2.5 on RH7.1, PG7.1, and
Aolserver3.2. I activated the Intranet module, added a couple of
customers, added a project for each, and defined a ticket for each
from the 'Tasks and Tickets' section of the main Intranet page. All
went well. However, when I go to one of the project pages and click on
'create a ticket tracker', I get a "Server Error The requested URL
cannot be accessed due to a system error on this server" The output
from defaultacs.log is below:
[20/Jun/2001:15:31:31][11306.64518][-conn22-] Error: can't read
"new_id": no such variable
can't read "new_id": no such variable
while executing
"ns_returnredirect "/new-ticket/project-top.tcl?project_id=$new_id"
line 48)
invoked from within
"source $script"
(procedure "ns_sourceproc" line 6)
invoked from within
"ns_sourceproc cns493 {}" - - [20/Jun/2001:15:31:31 -0400] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 500 545
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)"
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may offer.