Forum OpenACS Q&A: Can this be done in PostgreSQL

Posted by Mark S on
I am attempting to create something to keep track of purchase requests and make sure they get approval by the proper supervisors. Basically the way it works is by creating an entry in a table (req_approvals) to link the user_id of the person who needs to approve the request with the req_id and the status of that person's approval (null, t, f).

I would like to find a way to create one query that will list all of the items in req_req along with a column to show the status of the entries in the req_approval table for that particular req_id. If any of the approved entries in req_approval contain a f (request was denied) then the column should return a f. If all of them return t then the column should return t. If some of them are null AND none of them are f then it should return null.

Is there an easy way to do this with one call to the db that I'm just overlooking?

Thanks for any suggestions.

create table req_req (
	req_id		        integer default nextval('req_req_seq')
                                primary key,
	user_id			integer references users,
	description		varchar(40),
	creation_date		date default CURRENT_DATE

create table req_approvals (
	req_id			integer references req_req,
	user_id			integer references users,
	approved		char(1) check (approved in ('t','f'))

Posted by Jonathan Ellis on
Here is one simple way.
select rr.req_id,
       case when exists (select 1 from req_approvals ra where ra.req_id = rr.req_id and ra.approved = 'f') then 'f'
            when exists (select 1 from req_approvals ra where ra.req_id = rr.req_id and ra.approved is null) then null
            when exists (select 1 from req_approvals ra where ra.req_id = rr.req_id and ra.approved = 't') then 't'
            else null
       end  as approved
from req_req rr
Since CASE expressions test their clauses from first to last this should do what you describe, i.e., first check for a false, then check for a null, and finally check for a true. You could probably improve performance by writing a procedure that uses a cursor to go through the matching req_approval entries, so you don't have to scan three times in worst case.

(BTW, postgresql also supports a boolean type.)