Don't get me wrong, I do like the idea. But the three issues still bug me:
- Usability: It would be nice to have the help parameters passed as directories, so users could remember (no matter where they are) that typing domain.com/help/calendar the get the help for calendar.
The usability could be solved passing $scope and $faq_id with two "/", and then parse it back to the original variables.
- Development. faq_id is needed to write a link, so if you are writing the module calendar, you need be aware of the faq_id for it.
Maybe changing the data model can instead of using a numeric faq_id using a string?
- Dependency. faq or help (however you want to call it) would be part of the core openACS, every module would depend on it. I think its fine, but there might be impliecations I am not aware of?