If you are going to use something like IMP, TWIG, etc. then you would be much better off using and apache server and using user authentication from the OpenACS database. (At least I think). There are all good products, but my hope is to have something intergrated with OpenACS (Use the calendars, bookmarks, etc.) along with webmail.
I'm looking right now to see how much of the current webmail interface can be pulled out of both 3 and 4 and how much it would take to retrofit POP3/IMAP support (to begin with) into it. There are some respectable TCL libs out there we can use for the networking, so really I think just an inteface would be a good start.
In the next day or so I'll write up a design spec. Since there is already a webmail interface and there really isn't a current tcl web interface, a simple interface will not be that hard to put together. Heck, I'm even willing to do the work, I just would like to make sure I'm going along a path that others will find useful.