That's true. I had the scripts set up to leave the package declaration section inline as comments, and I converted the package body to pg code.
I've also seen other code in openacs where the package body had been converted so that commented out versions of the oracle functions were left iterspersed with the pg equivalents.
I'm not sure which case Rafael is talking about, but in either case both versions of commenting could be excised from the pg code, as the oracle code still retains all of this information anyway.
One thing that I have found useful is to leave comments next to the function arguements that indicate what the default values should be. This allows a developer to quickly look up the default arguements to a function when porting a module or doing new development.
Eventually, we might want to add javadoc style comments to the pg function headers, as there is already existing code to do introspection of pg/oracle db packages from a web browser. Some of the original oracle packages already support this, and I've experimented with making it work in pg, and I don't see any problems with it besides the fact that we'll have to go in and add all the comments.