Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Redesign of - New Features

Posted by Don Baccus on
It would be nice to be able to integrate package status reports, etc with packages in the SDM.  Let package owners be able to attach files which are then directly linked from some package page or another.

It would be nice to be able to provide the product-wide status page from within the SDM, as well.

Not real specific, eh? :)

These ideas stem from a note Neophytos e-mailed me, BTW - he has more specific thoughts which I've encouraged him to share.

Overall, let's prioritize/triage our efforts according to our most pressing needs.  I see these as being project support for the OpenACS 4.x effort (which can be applied to maintenance updates of 3.2.x and non-toolkit stuff like the XMLRPC effort, if we get some SDM support),  overall user doc contributions both big and small which the FAQ stuff mentioned above partially addresses, etc.

I *personally* view bboard improvements of being of relatively lower priority, in part because I'd hope that use of the bboard for "help me" messages will die off a bit if we can gather up more of our collective knowledge into easily explored user-enhanced docs, FAQs, presentations, etc.