Don, thanks for your suggestions. Using 4.x workflow, full text search, permissions, and alerts on the face of it makes sense.
I used an earlier version of ACS Ticket Tracker a year ago. It had some capabilities beyond those offered by New Ticket, but none I really needed. Ability to define and save custom views (filters) was nice, though it added a bit more complexity. Ability to specify a feature for each report could be worthwhile, but we did not use it, because it added a step to ticket creation and restricted assignment of a ticket to members of the group owning the ticket's feature. I can imagine the advanced search (by example) being useful, but rarely had occasion to use it.
In any case, I'll look at the 4.x ticket trackers, and try to come up with a plan for ending up with an ideal tracker in OpenACS 4.
Unfortunately I don't think I can help with SDM anytime soon -- not that I wouldn't like to, but I'm short of time.