Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Redesign of - New Features

Posted by Don Baccus on
As it happens, there is a link to the home page from the "Your Workspace" page :)

But, the smiley's there because in general you're pointing at a well-known weakness in earlier versions of the ACS, i.e. inconsistent navigation, and yes, it would be good to improve navigation on this site.

Personally I dislike the home page/workspace page anyway, and prefer a single home page.  Actually, it's not the workspace page per se I dislike, but rather the fact that most module pages anchor the nav bar  to the workspace rather than home page, which is reality is hardly ever what one wants.

That's a configuration item that can easily be changed.  Would others like the links at the top of bboard pages, etc to lead back home rather than to the (rarely used, IMO) workspacepage?  Obviously there'd be a link on the home page to the workspace page so you could change your user profile, etc, on those rare occasions when you move, get married or divorced and change your name, die, etc.