Last post for now. Let's settle this issue quickly, folks. I've gotten absolutely zero work done on OpenACS 4.x the past two days, nor have I gotten any work done on my current client project, which is almost worse since my consulting gigs finance my participation here.
<p>I know that Ben and others found the earlier rounds of discussion which took place when I was on vacation to be time consuming, disturbing, and distracting, too.
<p>So, let's not drag this out. Let's not posture. Let's not play coy. Let's lay 'em on the table and get this over with. If I'm out of a job give me my last cigarette, blindfold me, and pull the friggin' trigger.
<p>Jerry, if you lose in your effort to gain some control over the project, are you willing to work with us? I think folks deserve to know.